Please help me grow my site!
Hello, I was hoping anyone who reads my blog would please email me any links worth while or just your personal story. I would love to post them.
My journey and experiences with Arnold-Chiari Malformation Type 1 and then some!
Hello, I was hoping anyone who reads my blog would please email me any links worth while or just your personal story. I would love to post them.
Well it's been 9 Months and I have 2 new attornys. It seem like things are moving along quicker and they are paying for me to go back to NY for a follow-up so well, we'll see. I am going up on the 1st of April for long over due follow-up. Symptoms I sill have included headache that always start on the base of my scull on the right and shoot up into my eye. I am thinking muscle but who knows. Besides having a headache everyday just becomes normal. My jaw pops.. I guess you'd call it TMJ, has since about 6 months post-op. Who knows if that is a problems also. I still think the Fusion was one of my biggest mistakes of my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have total discomfort and pain EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll post on my follow up appt. hopefully soon.